Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon has many images that have been used for fashion purposes. From the work I have seen, many give off a strong powerful feeling. The subjects in his image do not seem to show many emotions, yet also give off the feeling of being powerful and strong. This technic would be very useful in fashion. Most of his images are close up portraits of the subjects, though a few are more full body.

This image of his caught my eye easily. With his use of her body, he was able to capture him in an unusual way, since normally people don't stand or move in that type of angle. Choosing that position easily catches people's eyes and is drawn to these images. Though you can still see her outfit and the fashion aspect of the image.

Catching a viewer's eyes would be the main goal for people trying to promote certain lines of clothing. He was able to do just that using the model's body instead of only focusing on some dramatic item of clothing,


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